Sompting Village Morris

Sompting, Worthing Borough

Wednesday pm. practices Sept-April (Dancing out May to August)
Sompting Community Centre, Sompting, Worthing

Sompting Village Morris are a traditional English morris side, made up of a gentlemens side, a ladies side and various musicians and dance many morris traditions including Cotswold, Sussex, North West, and Border Morris. They also have a Tipteerers side who, at various times, perform the Sompting Mummers Play. They also have the Sompting Banqueteers who can provide music, songs, dancing and other entertainments for social occasions.

Sompting Village Morris have a Morris Minors side open to members' children.

Sompting Village Morris celebrate a number of traditional occassions including a May Day dawn procession on Worthing seafront; a Summer Solstice sunset on Highdown Hill with beacon and torches; the Battle of the Conkers in autumn; Mumming at Christmas and Wassailing under torchlight in January.

Every four years they hold a weekend festival of morris dance.

For contact details and more information see the website of the Sompting Village Morris.

Sussex Folk Association: Sompting Village Morris

Copyright© SusFA/John Douglas

Maintained by theInternational Folk Dancing group