Each page has a link to this copyright statement that covers both its content and format. Any trademarks on the website are
the property of their respective owners. The copyright of the content and format of each page unless stated otherwise on the
page and of the website in its entirety belongs or must be assumed to belong to SusFA and John Douglas. This means that
though the copyright of materials supplied to us may lie elsewhere, it should not be assumed that our use of the material
means that the material is in the Public Domain.
It is possible that materials appearing on this site will also appear
on other sites where groups have supplied materials to us. The research for this site and many photographs and graphics are
supplied by John Douglas (webmaster). He is included independantly of his role in SusFa as he reserves his right to use those
materials on other sites (e.g. International Folk Dancing).
For the sake of simplicity, any information/photos etc. that are provided for use on this site will be accepted on
the basis that we have implicit permission to use it for the purpose it was intended without explicitly identifying the
source. Similarly logos, devices and other badges that are associated with a group will not be specfically acknowledged
if in context and clearly associated with the appropriate group.
If, for materials supplied to us, specific copyright requires to be acknowledged or retained, then it is the responsiblity of
the doner to ensure that this is made clear to us.
It should be noted that text supplied to us may be modified to suit the needs of the site (e.g. layout, optimisation).
In order for people to find your data on the site amongst over eight billion (and growing) websites, we often have to use
clear and repetitive language.
In the event that we have mistakenly included copyrighted materials on the site, then on being contacted by the copyright
holder, we will as soon as possible either add any requested copyright statements or remove the offending material.
In the event of any error/omission please let us know. We reserve the right to be human and make mistakes.
Where the copyright is explicitly retained by the owner and made clear to us, then the content should be accompanied by a '© owner' statement
on the page. The copyright owner has given permission for the use of their material and we believe we have met any conditions
attached to the use.
Copyright © SusFA/John Douglas